Unified Minds - PTCGL Codes
Unified Minds - PTCGL Codes

Unified Minds - PTCGL Codes

Your Price: $0.46
Part Number: unified-minds-ptcgl
Availability: 198 codes in stock
Code cards translations:
Feature: 2060
Feature: BVW-VYZ2-VJT-N44
In PTCG Live, players are limited to redeeming up to 400 booster pack codes per set. Any additional codes beyond this limit will provide TRAINERS POINTS instead of packs.

To avoid any inconvenience and errors, it is recommended to keep track of your redeemed codes and enter a maximum of 10 codes at a time.
Every Booster Code will grant you 5 random cards.

Unified Minds (Sun & Moon)

Unified Minds booster pack has made many Pokemon TCG Live players scratching their heads over the release of Mewtwo & Mew-GX. While it might seem like another Tag Team release, like Pikachu & Zekrom-GX from Team Up, this card is slightly more special because of its Perfection Ability. Not only can you copy Basic Pokemon on your Bench, like Reshiram & Charizard-GX from Unbroken Bonds, you can copy the attacks of Evolution Pokemon-GX, such as Naganadel-GX from Lost Thunder. Looking back on the success of decks from the past, decks that have a plethora of attack options tend to be some for the best available decks out there! Whether you are searching for the coveted Mewtwo & Mewtwo-GX Pokemon code cards or not, Unified Minds has plenty to offer - pick up some Pokemon Live codes today!

By buying Unified Minds Pokemon TCG Live codes, you can get some of the following PTCGL cards: Mewtwo & Mew-GX, Naganadel-GX, Raichu & Alolan Raichu-GX, Reset Stamp, Cherish Ball, Garchomp & Giratina-GX, and more!

Unified Mind in other languages:
  • Japanese: Sun Collection and Moon Collection Miracle Twin
  • European French: Soleil et Lune Harmonie des Esprits
  • German: Sonne un Mond Bund der Gleichgesinnten
  • Italian: Sole e Luna Sintonia Mentale
  • Korean: Sun Collection and Moon Collection Miracle Twin
  • Brazilian Portuguese: Sol e Lua Sintonia Mentale
  • Spanish: Sol y Luna Mentes Unidas

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