Pikachu-GX & Eevee-GX Collection - Pokemon TCG Code
Pikachu-GX & Eevee-GX Collection - Pokemon TCG Code

Pikachu-GX & Eevee-GX Collection - Pokemon TCG Code

Your Price: $0.99
Part Number: pikachu-gx-eevee-gx-collection-ptcgl
Availability: 0 codes Out of stock
Code cards translations:
Feature: 2396
Feature: Q7X-Q2WH-KR9-CDW
In PTCG Live, players are limited to redeeming up to 4 codes. Any additional codes beyond this limit will provide TRAINERS POINTS.

To avoid any inconvenience and errors, it is recommended to keep track of your redeemed codes and enter a maximum of 10 codes at a time.


By buying Pikachu-GX & Eevee-GX Collection Pokemon Live codes, you will get both Pokemon TCG Live Cards!

Ability - Ascension DNA
Once during your turn (before attack), if you have a Pokemon in your hand that evolves from Eevee, you may put that card onto this Pokemon to evolve it. Before evolving, heal all damage from this Pokemon. You can not use this ability during your first turn or the turn this Pokemon was put into play.

Boost Dash (100)

Joy Maker GX
Put 3 cards from your discard pile.


Agility (20)
Flip a coin. If heads, prevent all effects of attacks, including damage, done to this Pokemon during your opponent's next turn.

Volt Tackle (150)
This Pokemon does 30 damage to itself.

Tail Break GX (100)
Your opponent's active Pokemon is now paralyzed.

Pikachu-GX & Eevee-GX Collection Pokemon TCGL code includes the following cards:
  • 1x Pikachu GX SM232
  • 1x Eevee GX SM233
  • 1x Pikachu SM234
  • 1x Eevee SM235

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