Infernape Promo - Pokemon TCG Live Codes
Infernape Promo - Pokemon TCG Live Codes

Infernape Promo - Pokemon TCG Live Codes

Your Price: $0.10
Part Number: infernape-promo
Availability: 23 codes in stock
Code cards translations:
Feature: 1880
Feature: 9GC-DH9K-LBV-7GR
In PTCG Live, players are limited to redeeming up to 4 codes. Any additional codes beyond this limit will provide TRAINERS POINTS.

To avoid any inconvenience and errors, it is recommended to keep track of your redeemed codes and enter a maximum of 10 codes at a time.

Infernape Promo

Infernal Vortex: 80×
Reveal the top 5 cards of your deck. This attack does 80 damage for each Energy card you find there. Then, discard those Energy cards and shuffle the other cards back into your deck.

Burning Kick: 160
Discard all Energy from this Pokémon.

Infernape Promo product code includes the following Pokemon Cards:
  • 1x Infernape 026/172
  • 1x Monferno 025/172
  • 1x Chimchar 024/172
  • 1x Gold Ice Charizard Coin

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