What’s poppin’ PTCGO Store readers? I hope everyone here has been enjoying our newest Pokémon set, Chilling Reign, and testing all of the awesome cards available! One of the new cards that have stuck out to me in particular, Shadow Rider Calyrex VMAX (Chilling Reign), and that’s going to be my focus for this article! The card seems like a spiritual reprint of Malamar (Forbidden Light) and Zoroark-GX (Shining Legends) simultaneously, which means it's gonna be excellent! This article will focus on a few ways to play this deck, their strategies, and some of my personal lists! I hope these lists serve you well and give you a reason to pick up some PTCGO codes from this wonderful site! Of course, if you want to stretch your dollar a little further, you can always use code zlesage5 to save 5% on your next order of PTCGO codes. That being said, let’s get into our first list!

Trevenant & Dusknoir + Path to the Peak

Trevenant and Dusknoir GxPath to the Peak

This version focuses on using Trevenant & Dusknoir-GX (SM Promo) and Path to the Peak (Chilling Reign) to put your opponent in a difficult lock to get out of. Most games focus on getting out two copies of Shadow Rider Calyrex V (Chilling Reign) so that you have the option to use Underworld Door twice the following turn. That allows you to attach two Energy with both of your Underworld Door Abilities, and you can follow that up with attaching an Energy for your turn to Trevenant & Dusknoir-GX. With all of that happening as early as the second turn, your opponent is likely susceptible to Night Watch to ruin their setup. You can always pair Night Watch with Marnie (Sword and Shield) to lower your opponent’s hand size and Path to the Peak to stop them from using cards like Dedenne-GX (Unbroken Bonds). You might be wondering how you can gain access back to your Abilities, and that's a great question to ask. We have access to Marshadow (Unbroken Bonds) to Discard our own Path to the Peak. This Pokémon online deck seems to have it all and is my personal favorite way to play Shadow Rider Calyrex VMAX - let’s check out this list!

Deck List

Pokémon - 15

1 Crobat V SHF 44
1 Dedenne-GX UNB 57
1 Gengar & Mimikyu-GX TEU 165
2 Marshadow UNB 81
4 Shadow Rider Calyrex V CRE 172
2 Trevenant & Dusknoir-GX PR-SM 217
4 Shadow Rider Calyrex VMAX CRE 205

Trainer Cards - 34

4 Quick Ball SSH 179
3 Pokémon Communication TEU 152
2 Air Balloon SSH 156
3 Boss's Orders SHF 58
4 Professor's Research SHF 60
2 Reset Stamp UNM 206
4 Fog Crystal CRE 140
4 Marnie SSH 169
3 Path to the Peak CRE 148
4 Switch SSH 183
1 Ordinary Rod SSH 171

Energy - 11

11 Psychic Energy SWSH Energy 5

Total Cards - 60


Alcremie VMAX

This version of Shadow Rider Calyrex VMAX focuses on attaching a bunch of Energy, but it doesn’t focus on disruption like the above list. The goal here is to set up massive amounts of Energy on board to use Max Geist or have an OHKO in your back pocket by having the option of using Alcremie VMAX(Champions Path). G-Max Whisk might seem counterproductive to Max Geist, but you can often G-Max Whisk into an Adornment attack the next turn to put yourself in a checkmate position. Since this version doesn’t focus on disruption, it plays Chaotic Swell (Cosmic Eclipse) to stop opposing Path to the Peak from stopping Underworld Door. This Pokémon deck is mighty consistent, and the community name of “Cake Rider” is too cute to pass up! Let’s check this deck out!

Deck List

Pokémon - 15

1 Dedenne-GX UNB 195
2 Alcremie V CPA 22
1 Gengar & Mimikyu-GX TEU 165
1 Marshadow UNB 81
4 Shadow Rider Calyrex V CRE 172
2 Alcremie VMAX CPA 23
4 Shadow Rider Calyrex VMAX CRE 205

Trainer Cards - 30

3 Evolution Incense SSH 163
2 Chaotic Swell CEC 187
4 Quick Ball SSH 179
3 Air Balloon SSH 156
3 Boss's Orders SHF 58
4 Professor's Research SHF 60
4 Fog Crystal CRE 140
4 Marnie SSH 169
3 Switch SSH 183

Energy - 15

15 Psychic Energy SWSH Energy 5

Total Cards - 60

Galarian Zapdos

Galarian Zapdos V

This version of the Pokémon deck has arguably seen the most success at events and even won a recent Chill TCG event with over 400 competitors. This version focuses on not taking a terrible matchup to Eternatus VMAX (Darkness Ablaze) because Galarian Zapdos V (Chilling Reign) can use its Fighting Instinct Ability to reduce Thunderous Kick to a single Energy for an OHKO! This version can get awkward because you need to manually find Aurora Energy (Sword and Shield) to attach to Galarian Zapdos V, but it has surprisingly worked well so far. Beyond that, it works similarly to any other Shadow Rider Calyrex VMAX list - use Underworld Door and Max Geist to victory! One thing that I haven’t mentioned yet is that each of these lists has a copy of Gengar & Mimikyu-GX (Team Up) as a tech. You can use Horror House GX to pause your opponent for a turn so that you can Evolve into Shadow Rider Calyrex VMAX, use Underworld Door, and advance your board state more quickly than your opponent. Poltergeist is a difficult attack to handle, and you can often power it up out of nowhere to truly steal games. That being said, let’s peep this list!

Deck List

Pokémon - 14

2 Galarian Zapdos V CRE 174
2 Dedenne-GX UNB 195
1 Gengar & Mimikyu-GX TEU 165
1 Marshadow UNB 81
4 Shadow Rider Calyrex V CRE 172
4 Shadow Rider Calyrex VMAX CRE 205

Trainer Cards - 32

2 Evolution Incense SSH 163
4 Quick Ball SSH 179
2 Pokémon Communication TEU 152
3 Air Balloon SSH 156
4 Professor's Research SHF 60
1 Reset Stamp UNM 206
4 Fog Crystal CRE 140
4 Marnie SSH 169
2 Chaotic Swell CEC 187
3 Switch SSH 183

Energy - 14

11 Psychic Energy SWSHEnergy 5
3 Aurora Energy SSH 186

Total Cards - 60

Happy Testing

Whether you’re trying to become the next Chill TCG champion or play fun games on the Versus ladder, these Shadow Rider Calyrex VMAX Pokémon decks are a great place to explore for everyone! I’m stoked to continuously test these decks and learn more about the metagame myself! If you need any codes for your own testing or collection, PTCGO Store is one of the best places to pick up cards for PTCGO. And you can always use code zlesage5 to save 5% on your next order of PTCGO codes. Happy testing!

About the Writer

Zach Lesage is a contributing writer for PTCGO Store. As a Toronto local, he has been playing the Pokémon Trading Card Game since 2005 and creates Pokémon content as his full-time career. He creates YouTube content, coaches players to become better in-game, and provides hot takes on his Twitter. With multiple prestigious accomplishments in the game, such as the 2020 Players Cup 2 Champion and the 2020 Oceania International Championships Finalist, he has proven his success in the game. Outside of the game, he travels the world, enjoys the culture of designer streetwear, and is a professionally trained chef. You can catch him at most Pokémon events and follow him on Twitter @ZachLesagePTCG.