Written by Zach Lesage on 10/27/2022 at category
Deck Lists
Powerful Pokemon Deck - Kyurem / Palkia
What’s poppin’ PTCGO Store readers? It’s your boy Zach Lesage here, and I have yet another blog to share with you all in the Lost Origin format. Since the release of Astral Radiance, we all know that Origin Forme Palkia VSTAR (Astral Radiance) has been one of the absolute best Pokemon TCG decks, but Lost Origin brought on a new friend in the form of Kyurem VMAX (Lost Origin) to shake up the metagame. Kyurem adds a certain amount of raw power to the deck that allows it to OHKO almost any Pokemon with its sizable Max Frost attack. Pairing that with its Glaciated World Ability that works with either Rotom Phone (Champions Path) or Oranguru (Sword and Shield) allows you to tackle almost any deck. This deck has largely been one of the most played and most successful Pokemon online decks so far in our current Standard Pokemon format, and I want to share some of the best lists with you! If you are missing any of the cards, use code zlesage5 right here at the PTCGO store to save 5% on Pokemon TCG Online codes. They offer instant delivery right to your email and have a vast selection of PTCGO codes for everyone. Let’s get it!
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Written by Zach Lesage on 10/19/2022 at category
Deck Lists
The Regis are Super Powerful!
Wanna learn more about one of the lesser talked best Pokemon Online decks in our Standard Lost Origin format? Well, your boy Zach Lesage has your back! I recently took Regigigas (Astral Radiance) for a spin at Peoria Regionals, and I placed 23rd out of nearly 1100 participants! I could’ve easily played the same Origin Forme Palkia VSTAR (Astral Radiance) / Inteleon (Sword and Shield) list as my teammate Calvin Connor, but I had a different view on the metagame (and still do). With powerful Comfey (Lost Origin) / Radiant Charizard (Pokemon GO) decks crushing the Late Night series events, I knew that Regis would have a solid matchup against it. They essentially would have to take an early KO on any Regi with Cramorant (Lost Origin) with some help from either Articuno (Pokemon Go) or Galarian Zigzagoon (Sword and Shield). Giratina VSTAR (Lost Origin) is a similar matchup, but you can always use Regieleki (Evolving Skies) to snipe a Giratina V (Lost Origin) on the Bench and sweep up with Regidrago (Evolving Skies) for the remaining 240 damage. Kyurem VMAX (Lost Origin) decks have largely been a relatively easy matchup, but some do play Empoleon V (Battle Styles) which can stop any Regi deck from functioning. Most lists either play Boss’s Orders (Rebel Clash), Canceling Cologne (Astral Radiance), and/or Path to the Peak (Chilling Reign) to get around it. I could spend another paragraph or so sharing the good, but I’m sure you get my point; Regis is one of the best decks in the format. In this blog, I’m going to share my two most current lists for this deck, some strategies, and more! If you are missing any of the cards for Regis, use code zlesage5 right here at the Ptcgo store to save 5% on Pokemon TCG Online codes. They offer instant delivery right to your email and have a vast selection of PTCGO codes for everyone. Let’s get it!
Written by Zach Lesage on 10/12/2022 at category
Deck Lists
Blissey V / Miltank Deck is on the Rise!
What’s poppin’ PTCGO Store readers? Are you ready to read about one of the most successful Pokemon TCG decks in our Lost Origin standard format? Well, your boy Zach Lesage has your back! Blissey V (Chilling Reign) isn’t a new deck from Lost Origin, as a matter of fact, it was featured in the finalist deck at Milwaukee Regionals in June 2022, but here we are again. As the metagame has formed around a handful of powerful decks, like Kyurem VMAX (Lost Origin), Origin Forme Palkia VSTAR (Astral Radiance), and Comfey (Lost Origin) based Pokemon TCG decks, this deck has popped up in the form of an answer. When you pair Blissey V with Cape of Toughness (Darkness Ablaze), you get a Basic Pokemon with 300 HP that can scale its damage output easily. Pair that further with Cheren’s Care (Brilliant Stars) and Hyper Potion (Champions Path) for easy healing and a tanky deck. For everything else, Miltank (Astral Radiance) is the hopeful glue to keep this deck together. Are they an Arceus VSTAR (Brilliant Stars) deck that doesn’t have an answer? Miracle Body for the win! The same goes with Kyurem VMAX / Palkia VSTAR and any other deck that just doesn’t have an answer. Avery (Chilling Reign) offers similar protection against Palkia VSTAR decks by lowering their Bench size and damage output. Path to the Peak (Chilling Reign) can also stop some decks dead in their tracks, like Mew VMAX (Fusion Strike), and if it works, it works. This deck is relatively budget conscious, and it is incredibly powerful in our current Lost Origin metagame. If you need any of the cards to build this powerful Pokemon deck, pick up some Pokemon TCG Online codes right here at the PTCGO store. Use code zlesage5 to save 5% on your order of codes to make it cheaper. That being said, let’s jump into this blog.
Written by Pokemon TCG trainer on 10/5/2022 at category
Deck Lists
Arceus VSTAR / Giratina VSTAR in Standard!
Top of the morning Trainers! It’s another exciting time in the Pokemon TCG, as we’re at the top of the 2023 season, and players are fighting to earn CP in order to earn a coveted invitation to the 2023 World Championships in Japan! It feels like players from all over are running fresh out the gates in an effort to obtain said invite, especially considering how cool it is that it is hosted in Japan. The format is feeling fresh and vibrant with Lost Origin being released, and we’re now seeing online events trickling with results based around these new archetypes being released. One of the new archetypes that caught my eye is Arceus VSTAR/Giratina VSTAR! It has a highly efficient attacker in Arceus, and a powerhouse in Giratina. With this dynamic duo, nothing can stand in their way! Let’s hop over to the strategy of this deck!
Written by Zach Lesage on 9/28/2022 at category
Palkia VSTAR is Still Winning!
What’s up, PTCGO Store readers? It’s your boy Zach, and I’m back with my newest article in our brand new Lost Origin format! At the time of writing this article, the format has been around for about two weeks, and the format is getting wild! Kyurem VMAX (Lost Origin) is seeing a bunch of success, Giratina VSTAR (Lost Origin) decks are improving every day, and Mew VMAX (Fusion Strike) is still getting wins at major online events! Another deck that consistently sees success is Origin Forme Palkia VSTAR (Astral Radiance), largely the best deck from our Sword and Shield to Pokemon Go Standard format. Palkia VSTAR is a deck that I’ve enjoyed playing and it has earned me Championship Points at NAIC, London Open, and Baltimore Regionals. It is in a better position in this format than last because Flying Pikachu VMAX (Celebrations) isn’t seeing much play, and it has opportunities to use Radiant Greninja (Astral Radiance) against opposing Comfey (Lost Origin). Between powerful attacks, large amounts of HP, and a bunch of technical cards - Palkia VSTAR looks like it will make a splash at both Peoria Regionals and Salt Lake City Regionals! In this article, I will be sharing two versions of a traditional Palkia VSTAR list - one with 4 copies of Battle VIP Pass (Fusion Strike) and one with more copies of “Ball” Search, but both of these decks are tournament ready! If you are looking for any of the cards to build these Pokemon online decks, consider picking up PTCGO codes right here at the PTCGO store! As an added bonus, use code zlesage5 to save 5% off your order of Pokemon TCG codes, including brand new Lost Origin PTCGO codes! Let’s get it!
Written by Zach Lesage on 9/20/2022 at category
Top 3 Reimagined Decks from Lost Origin
What’s poppin’ PTCGO Store readers? I’m back with another article - this time focusing on Lost Origin! Whenever we get a new format, there are two ways to really stand up against the competition - you either play new Pokemon online decks or TCG decks that have been around for a while that have seen success. We all know Giratina VSTAR (Lost Origin) will be good, but most early takes are likely to suffer from non-optimized lists. On the other hand, we already know what 99% of an Origin Forme Palkia VSTAR (Astral Radiance) list looks like, so we can substitute a few cards whenever a new set comes out. The goal of this article is to take decks that were previously successful and throw on a fresh layer of paint - add something shiny and new! That being said, let’s jump into it!
Written by Pokemon TCG trainer on 9/15/2022 at category
Phantom Star - Hisuian Zoroark VSTAR
Hello Trainers! We’re back with another fun article for you, going over a very cool deck from the newest expansion, Lost Origin. Local events just got announced, Regionals are starting up for the 2022-2023 season, and life is good!
Written by Zach Lesage on 9/8/2022 at category
Top Cards
Top 5 Lost Origin Cards
What’s going on, PTCGO Store readers? Your boy Zach is back and I am bringing the heat by featuring the top 5 Lost Origin cards. This new Pokemon TCG set reintroduces the Lost Zone mechanic to our Standard format, and I have to say that some of the themed cards look so cool! They have a Lost Zone-themed aura around the main art of the card, and most of them seem incredibly playable. If the Lost Zone isn’t your playstyle, there are other powerful cards in this set, like Giratina VSTAR (Lost Origin), that will also shake up the metagame. My goal with this article is to introduce our Pokemon community to some of the best cards and share my early thoughts on them! Let’s jump into my number five pick! Let’s get it!
Written by Gabriel Smart on 8/15/2022 at category
Breaking the Skyline - Duraludon VMAX!
Hey, what's up, PTCGO Store readers? Gabriel Smart is back with another article today! The 2022 Pokemon World Championships are fast approaching, and the metagame has been developing rapidly. Players from across the globe will be descending on London, UK, for the World Championships to crown the next big winners! I personally will be attending the Pokemon World Championships and am actively preparing for this event. The 2022 Pokemon TCG World Championships is by far the biggest Pokemon event of the year, and it is so amazing to see it return after its 3-year hiatus due to Covid. Today, I am going to be going over one of the biggest sleeper decks heading into the event! By the way, if you are looking to save some cash on PTCGO codes for current, and upcoming sets, make sure to use code Smart5 to save 5% off your next order. Let's dive into the decklist that I have constructed of Arceus Duraludon VMAX!
Written by Pokemon TCG trainer on 8/10/2022 at category
Deck Lists
“Thin Ice” - Ice Rider Calyrex VMAX with Astral Radiance
Hey there Trainers! I hope you’re enjoying the time in between NAIC and Worlds - it’s one of the most fun times to be a player because people are trying to break the format as creatively as possible! Many testing groups are keeping their decks secret, and some people are itching to test out their new concepts on the ladder. Okay, not just some - A LOT of people are trying out new concepts on the ladder! One of those unique concepts is actually this Palkia VSTAR/Ice Rider Calyrex VMAX deck that can hit extremely hard and take easy OHKOs. It can carry this pressure throughout the entirety of the game and does a really good job of it too. Let’s chat about Ice Rider Calyrex VMAX today!