Written by Pokemon TCG Trainer on 2/8/2023 at category
Top Cards
“Scrap Pulse” - Rotom VSTAR is one of the best cards from Crown Zenith!
Good morning Pokémon Trainers! I hope that you’re all doing really well and playtesting a lot in preparation for upcoming Pokémon tournaments within the 2023 circuits. If you’re currently not competing in the 2023 competitive circuit, you should consider playtesting online with friends by using PTCG Live! PTCG Live is a fantastic platform where you can play online all of your favourite decks provided that you have the correct cards to make the respective decks that you want to play. If you are looking for Crown Zenith codes, look no further! PTCGO Store has all of your needs covered.
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Written by Zach Lesage on 2/3/2023 at category
For Beginners
How to Play Pokemon TCG Live
What’s poppin’ PTCGO Store readers? Have you tried playing PTCG Live yet? If you haven’t heard yet, PTCGO is going to sunset soon and PTCG Live is going to be the ONLY way to digitally play Pokemon TCG! I’ve had access to PTCG Live for about a year since the Canadian Beta Release and I have picked up a few tips to share with our community! In this article, I’ll help walk you through getting started up, and how to use the app on whichever device you choose! As an added bonus, if you wanna enhance your collection, you can use code zlesage5 to save 5% off at ptcgostore.com! The codes get instantly sent to your email so you can redeem them for in-game packs right away! Let’s get it!
Written by Pokemon TCG Trainer on 1/25/2023 at category
“Aqua Storm” - Lost Zone Kyogre Washes Standard!
Good morning Pokemon trainers! It’s been a beautiful season so far, with lots of creative plays and many new faces joining the scene. We’ve been experiencing quite the format with the release of Silver Tempest: Lugia was expected to run over the format with immense amounts of aggression, but instead we’ve been seeing other answers rise to the top. Pokemon like Vikavolt V have been seeing lots of play as well as the ever-so-popular Mew VMAX deck. Consistency has been of the utmost importance, as well as versatility - which deck rises to the occasion to meet both? Well, none other than Lost Zone Kyogre! Having lots of options to attack with in your deck is important, and this deck has a great collection of Pokemon to swing with. It also has a consistency engine to back it all up, so without further ado, let’s talk about Lost Zone Kyogre today!
Written by Zach Lesage on 1/17/2023 at category
Top Cards
Top 5 Crown Zenith Cards
What’s poppin’ PTCGO Store readers? Have you started looking at all of the fantastic cards from Pokemon TCG’s latest set, Crown Zenith? I’ve been preparing for the 2023 Oceania International Championships in Melbourne, Australia and I’m here to share my early findings. At the time of me writing this article the set has basically been fully released, we have limited official English images, but I have a bunch of Japanese translations from trustworthy sites. I guess what I’m trying to say is that it is early so don’t necessarily come after me if some of these card names slightly change when translated into English or if there is an amazing card that I happened to miss out on. While this set does contain a bunch of reprints, there are quite a few awesome new cards to play around with as we round out the Sword and Shield era with one last set! If you’re trying to pick up any Crown Zenith codes to build some new decks, be sure to use code zlesage5 right here at ptcgostore.com to save 5% off your order. Super fast delivery right to your email and a large selection of codes! That being said, let’s jump right into this list!
Written by Pokemon TCG Trainer on 12/22/2022 at category
Deck Lists
“Wild Freeze” - Articuno/Inteleon in Standard!
Good day, mate! With Silver Tempest now having some development within the format, we’re encountering some very interesting archetypes. Amongst all the regional championships that have been occurring lately, the results of Perth regionals are amongst the most interesting. Today, we’re going to dive into an Articuno/Inteleon deck that swept the Aussies and took 1st place!
Written by Pokemon TCG trainer on 12/4/2022 at category
Deck Lists
“Summoning Star” – Lugia VSTAR!
Good morning Pokemon trainers! A new dawn is upon us with the release of the newest Pokemon TCG expansion: Silver Tempest. This set is brand new and has the following product description:
“Argent Adventure & Dazzling Discovery! An ominous rumble echoes in the distance, and Lugia VSTAR emerges from the ocean’s depths to answer its call! The uncharted territory lies waiting to be explored alongside Alolan Vulpix VSTAR, while Serperior, Unown, and Mawile join the expedition as Pokémon VSTAR, and a legendary battle awaits as Regieleki VMAX and Regidrago VSTAR awaken from slumber. Discover powerful partnerships in the Trainer Gallery, and set a course for adventure with the Pokémon TCG: Sword & Shield-Silver Tempest expansion!”
This product description does nothing short of selling Lugia VSTAR as the top dog of this format – they mentioned it first for a reason! This card is definitely going to be the best deck in format going forward, and we’ll go over all of the reasons why throughout this article. It’s going to be one tough cookie to beat, so we’ll chat about some of the ways that people may counter this card as well. Without further ado, let’s swoop into Lugia VSTAR!
Written by Zach Lesage on 11/24/2022 at category
Arceus and Duraludon Gets Even Better!
What’s poppin’ PTCGO Store readers? Our newest Pokemon TCG Online set, Silver Tempest, has been released, and the metagame has certainly been shaken up. There are new decks, like Lugia VSTAR [Silver Tempest], that are winning online events, and some older decks, like Mew VMAX [Fusion Strike], have recently gotten a lot stronger! You might be asking, “why is Zach talking about decks that aren’t Duraludon VMAX?” Well, let me jump into that. Lugia VSTAR is all about Special Energy, Mew VMAX is all about Special Energy, and Duraludon VMAX is all about blocking damage from Pokemon with Special Energy attached to them with its Skyscraper Ability! While those decks might have some answers to Skyscraper, most aren’t properly equipped to deal with it! And that's why I am showcasing Arceus VSTAR / Duraludon VMAX in this article today! Stay tuned for the strategy, my list, and more! If you need any cards to build this tanky Pokemon TCG deck, be sure to use code zlesage5 to save 5% at ptcgostore.com! With super fast email delivery and a large selection of PTCGO codes, PTCGO Store has you covered for all of your Pokemon TCG Online and PTCG Live needs. Let’s jump into the strategy!
Written by Zach Lesage on 11/16/2022 at category
Mew is Back on Top!
What’s poppin’ PTCGO Store readers? Have you been enjoying Silver Tempest? I have been having a bunch of fun with our new format, and I have a hidden gem of a deck to share with you today - Mew VMAX! Mew VMAX has been around since Fusion Strike and most recently getting printed as a ready-to-play League Battle Deck, but it has gained a notable tech in Silver Tempest. That card is Forest Seal Stone (Silver Tempest), and it packs a punch! It allows you to search your deck for any single card you want and gives this deck an opportunity to use a VSTAR Power. While it might still be bugged on PTCGO, you CAN use Star Alchemy under Path to the Peak (Chilling Reign) to search for an out to Path to the Peak. Yeah, you can literally use that Ability since Forest Seal Stone isn’t a “Pokemon”, and grab a Lost City (Lost Origin) to start using your Abilities again. Beyond being able to wiggle out of Path to the Peak, you can use it to search for the missing card necessary to pull off a huge turn-one combo with Meloetta (Fusion Strike). Do you need the Fusion Strike Energy, Elesa’s Sparkle, or something else? Use your Forest Seal Stone to get that missing card! Even though Lugia VSTAR (Silver Tempest) is being hyped up, Mew VMAX has found itself back in the driver's seat of the metagame - it is honestly fantastic! In this article, I will explain the main strategy of Mew VMAX, share my decklist, and other important information. If you are missing any cards for this deck or any other deck, be sure to pick up some Pokemon TCG codes right from ptcgostore.com using code zlesage5 to save 5%. With instant email delivery and a large selection of codes - PTCGO Store is one of the best places to pick up codes on the internet! Let’s jump into the strategy!
Written by Pokemon TCG trainer on 11/8/2022 at category
Deck Lists
Silver Tempest Preview “Silver Surfer”
Good morning Pokemon Trainers! In light of this year's almost ending, we are also seeing another ending come to fruition: the end of the SSH-SHF format. We are now introducing the newest expansion: Silver Tempest, into the mix, and boy, is it ever a shakeup. We see the release of the standard’s newest boon, Lugia VSTAR, which will begin to dominate the moment it is released. This baron of a Pokemon has whopping unique features that we’re going to go over a little later in the article, but not many Pokemon can stand up to its strength. We also see some unique Pokemon come into play, like Regidrago VSTAR as well as Regieleki VMAX - both offering unique buffs to their own respective types. Lastly, we’ll be featuring a bit of a meme deck in Sunflora, but don’t be fooled: this single Prize Card Pokemon can pack a big punch very easily and stifle even the strongest of archetypes. You’ll also see many new Trainer cards seeing played in a lot of these Pokemon online decks, one of my personal favourites being Serena. Let’s hop into today’s article!
Written by Zach Lesage on 11/3/2022 at category
Top Cards
Top 5 Cards from Silver Tempest!
What’s poppin PTCGO Store readers? Have you started looking at all of the amazing cards from Pokemon TCG’s latest set, Silver Tempest? I’ve been preparing for the 2022 Latin America International Championships in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and I’m here to share some of my early findings. At the time of my writing, this article set has basically been fully released, we have limited official English images, but I have a bunch of Japanese translations from trustworthy sites. I guess what I’m trying to say is that it is early, so don’t necessarily come after me if some of these card names slightly change when translated into English or if there is an amazing card that I happened to miss out on. I love writing articles like this because it allows me to brainstorm about upcoming cards and share my passion for the game with our community. If you are trying to pick up any Silver Tempest PTCGO codes to build some new Pokemon online decks, be sure to use code zlesage5 right here at ptcgostore.com to save 5% off your order. Super fast delivery right to your email and a large selection of codes! That being said, let’s jump right into this list!