What is the Best Deck in the Expanded Format?
What’s the Best Play Out of the Top 5?
Gardevoir/Sylveon and Armoatisse
- 4 Gardevoir and Sylveon GX UNB
- 2 Spritzee UNB
- 2 Aromatisse XY
- 4 Professor Sycamore
- 3 N
- 3 Guzma
- 2 Acerola
- 1 Cynthia
- 1 AZ
- 1 Skyla
- 4 VS Seeker
- 4 Ultra Ball
- 4 Max Potion
- 4 Fighting Fury Belt
- 2 Float Stone
- 1 Field Blower
- 1 Super Rod
- 1 Computer Search
- 3 Silent Lab
- 2 Power Plant
- 7 Basic Fairy Energy
- 4 Wonder Energy
About the list:
As you could probably tell, the list is exactly one card off of Drew Cate’s top 4 list with the inclusion of Super Rod over the 2nd Cynthia. Super Rod is a needed addition to the deck because of its ability to get back pieces of the Aromatisse line, and Basic Fairy energy against most importantly, the Rowlet and Alolan Exeggutor/Vileplume deck. Every time I saw Drew Cate play on stream against the Rowlet/Eggs deck, getting back some pieces of the Aromatisse line and some energy would’ve won him the game he ended up losing. Other than that one change, I haven’t had any reason to dive too far off the original list as it did its job well, and was very consistent. With eight very strong draw supporters and 4 VS Seeker to reuse them, your chance of dead drawing at any point in the game and not setting up are very low which I really liked about the list.